By Juanita Hurtado Huerfano and Samyukta Sarma

To our amazing Boulder and CU community:
Welcome back! I’m Juanita Hurtado Huerfano, Radio 1190’s newly appointed news director, and I am very thankful to continue working with this amazing community that is KVCU.
When I first joined, almost two years ago, the news team was going through a rough patch with five members bringing you a one-hour news show each week, but seeing how we have grown since, into a daily news show produced by a team of over sixty volunteers, I can only hope to continue bringing you impactful journalism, experimental audio storytelling, and the best underground stories.
Almost a year ago, I met Sam Sarma. From the moment she joined, I knew her drive, kindness, and initiative were something our team could never have too much of. Seeing her create our print section from scratch and strive to train everyone in our team on multimedia industry standards, I knew she was the person to bring onboard as our Assistant News Director. I hope you’ll welcome her as warmly as you have welcomed me.
As we work together to serve the Boulder and CU community, we hope to continue growing a news department that fosters collaborative reporting and diverse perspectives, ensuring that our stories and pieces inform, inspire, and empower our listeners and producers. We will strive to provide in-depth coverage of local issues, highlight the accomplishments of our community members, elevate the voices of those who often go unheard, and train our volunteers to become the media-producers of tomorrow.
Thank you for supporting our team and radio station, this couldn’t be possible without you! Please reach out to me with any ideas, feedback, tips or suggestions you may have.
Remember, you are listening to KVCU 1190 AM Boulder.
Juanita Hurtado Huérfano
New News Director
KVCU 1190
Dearest CU and Boulder community,
Hello! Although this is my first time addressing you all directly, I’ve been behind the scenes for the last two semesters working as Radio 1190 News Team’s Print Editor. I’m Samyukta (Sam) Sarma and I’m so grateful to introduce myself as KVCU Radio 1190’s new Assistant News Director.
I walked into the basement of the University Memorial Center during my very first week as a freshman at CU. I tagged along with a friend to the semester’s first general volunteer meeting by pure happenstance, and it was the luckiest fluke of my college career. When I heard that Radio 1190 offered a news program for journalism reporting, I knew I had to make it to the Wednesday meetings. I was immediately taken with the drive and professionalism of everyone in the room; most notably, Jack Armstrong, Radio 1190’s previous News Director, and Juanita Hurtado Huerfano, the current News Director. The two of them were my biggest supporters as I not only adapted to university life and Radio 1190 in general, but also pursued my passion project of developing a print section for volunteers to produce written journalism pieces in addition to audio. I’ve loved every minute of publishing print, especially last semester as I watched it grow. As I move on from Print Editor, I welcome Nicholas Merl into that role and I can’t wait to see all that he does.
Assistant News Director is new territory for me, but I feel excited to take on the challenge. I’m committed to ensuring that our volunteers feel impassioned and prepared to tackle hard hitting news stories, produce quality journalism worthy of a professional news organization and always consider our CU and Boulder community first, in all its complexity and diversity.
I want to thank Juanita for all her help and hard work. Since I’ve met her, she’s not only been a great boss, but an amazing friend as well. Her work ethic is remarkable and her creativity and passion are inspiring. I have nothing but confidence in the semester to come with her leading our News Team.
And finally, I want to thank all of you for providing us with the platform we have. All the hard work that our team puts into producing each audio piece is done with the hope that even just one of our listeners could benefit from that day’s segments. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any suggestions for how we can better serve you.
Samyukta Sarma
New Assistant News Director
KVCU 1190