On Air Next 3.13.17

Here at Radio 1190, we have about 25,000 records to our name, handpicked since 1998 with guaranteed quality. This week, I’ve put a couple great old records into rotation that we haven’t spun for a little while. They’re either old favorites or underground gems, and I think you’ll dig both. Let’s dive in.

I’m throwing Boredoms’ phenomenal record “Wow 2” back into heavy rotation. Boredoms have been around since 1986 exploring every sonic avenue known to man. “Wow 2” is a live album from 1993 that spans harsh nose, thrash metal, and punk. It comes at you like a heavyweight, slinging haymakers of fuzz and bursts of vocals. It might freak you out, but odds are you end up liking it. As an introduction to Boredoms, “Wow 2” is perfect. The band’s discography is expansive, varied, and often inaccessible to potential fans. Instead of wading in the shallows, throw yourself headfirst into their sound with “Wow 2.” You won’t be disappointed.

If you’re looking for more great, weird vocalists, tune into Radio 1190 to catch tracks from Tim Buckley’s “Starsailor.” On his 1970 release, Buckley showcases his astronomical range as a vocalist and his beautiful sense for the absurd. The opening track “Come Here Woman” is far closer to free jazz than the zeitgeist of typical 70s pop. Tim Buckley’s voice is enchanting, even haunting at times. “Starsailor” is thoroughly idiosyncratic. You’ll find traces of Zappa, Beefheart, and Davis, but Buckley really stands apart as a visionary artist throughout this release. You might hate it, but at least it’s not boring!

Rounding out this week, “Maggot Brain” from Funkadelic will be hitting the airwaves once again. Since its release in 1971, this legendary record has been sampled countless times and inspired thousands of artists. “Maggot Brain” ranges from the title track’s psychedelic jazz to Funkadelic’s biggest hit “Can You Get to That” in the first two tracks. After that, “Maggot Brain” keeps you guessing with experimental studio diatribes, huge funk numbers, and fast rock ‘n rollers within the same breath. This is truly a timeless record, it sounds just as good today as it did in the early 70s. Hear it how it was heard in ‘71–crank that radio up!

I’m stoked to spin some of these golden records on 1190 this week. Appreciate them with me via Radio 1190, 98.9 FM in Boulder and 1190 AM in Denver. Next week, I’m heading down to South by Southwest to check out the freshest bands in the country. I’ll return on March 23 with more updates for what’s on-air next.

by Elijah Jarocki


