This is Jack Armstrong, Radio 1190 news director. My News Team just won two awards. To think these awards are on a national scale is astounding. I’m not going to say that I’m ‘honestly shocked’. I haven’t had time to think about that part yet.
I feel a smiley-warm feeling looking at the people around me knowing that they’re a part of the ‘something’ that was once a ‘nothing’. I’m most happy that I won best News Director while my mom and my sister got to watch it happen in real time. That’s a blessing that could make my computer short-circuit if I don’t move away from the keyboard right now…
Best News Director of 2024, Best Public Affairs Program of 2024. On the technical side, I blame my producers on my team and my past News Director Shannon Young at KGNU for how they helped. I wouldn’t know how to present myself on a mic if it hadn’t been for Shannon. I wouldn’t want to experiment with my media if not for the producers around me who experiment for the sport of it. It makes me do this all for the love of the sport. The thrill of getting up in front of a microphone and doing something unique.
Thank you to everyone who helped me, but specifically to my friends, family, co-producers, coworkers and volunteer-team. The project that I’m taking on is bigger than Jack, but I feel pride knowing it’s not just Jack.