
Volunteering at Radio 1190 puts you at the forefront of the Front Range’s independent music scene. Not only do volunteers become a part of our tight-knit community, they also learn all about the moving parts that make radio happen. If you’ve got a talent, we can probably put it to work — we have opportunities for DJs, journalists, engineers, marketers, music critics, social media gurus, recording engineers, and much more. If you’re just curious, we’re happy to teach you something new.

Volunteer opportunities

Times listed are subject to change (particularly during the summer or breaks between semesters), so if you’re new to an event, contact the organizer to confirm! All events are held in the Radio 1190 studio (located in the basement of the University Memorial Center on the CU-Boulder campus) unless otherwise noted.

Trouble finding us in the UMC? Check out this virtual tour for directions starting on the main floor! Hit the play button on the lower left of the tour for a full walkthrough.

All events here except movie nights count as volunteer credit for obtaining or maintaining a Radio 1190 DJ spot. Please note that we are not able to offer opportunities for fulfilling court-ordered volunteer hours.

General Volunteer Meeting: Mondays at 6:00 p.m.

This is a great event for just about anyone — if you’re new, this is a good place to start to get to know the station better or just get a tour! Some weeks we have a specific project to complete (posters, buttons, promotional flyers) and other weeks we just have some food and hang out. If you’re interested in becoming a Radio 1190 DJ, this is the place to start — we’ll get you started with DJ training and more.

Learn more: volunteer@1190.radio

Sweeper Workshop: Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

Ever wonder what the fun, creative “skits” that play in between songs on the air are all about? They’re called “sweepers”, and you can help make them! Sweepers are important because they not only fulfill our FCC obligation to declare our station’s legal ID at the top of every hour, but they’re fun to listen to and engage our audience when there isn’t a live DJ on air.

Learn more: program@1190.radio

Album Club: Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.

Stop by Album Club every week to explore and discuss a classic record or other Radio 1190 favorite.

Learn more: program@1190.radio

News Team: Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m.

News Team is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for Radio 1190 volunteers to find news stories and gain experience in news broadcasting and writing — everything from bringing in professors, bands, politicians, and spiritual gurus, and doing real-time election coverage on air. As a member of News Team, you’ll produce material for the station’s daily news shows, write articles for our website, and make our own podcasts. If you are interested in journalism, public relations, or communication, this is a great team for you.

Learn more: news@1190.radio

Mixtape Team: Thursdays at 5:00 p.m.

Get close to the forefront of up and coming music by helping us choose what gets played on Radio 1190. Each week, we divide up the latest new releases for review, including a check for FCC compliance (no swearing or explicit lyrics!) and the opportunity to choose which top tracks join our 1190 Mixtape rotation. Plus, each album review completed earns you a chance to win merch and other prizes!

Learn more: music@1190.radio

Social Team: Fridays at 5:00 p.m.

Love content creation and showing the world what the station is up to? Our social media team is the place for you. Plan campaigns, share social media ideas, create posts, and get the word out about the best radio station on the planet. This meeting is on Zoom, so email for the link!

Learn more: promotions@1190.radio

Local Shakedown: Every other Friday at 4:00 p.m. (check social media for weekly details)

This legendary live twice-monthly event (we’ve hosted it since 1998!) brings a new band into our studio every other week — both local favorites and big names on tour. Stop by to sit in for a live performance and in-studio interview, and meet amazing bands while you help keep the show running smoothly!

Learn more: localshakedown@1190.radio

AIR Board: Meetings vary (email for details)

Access in Radio (AIR) Board is your opportunity to get involved with understanding and managing Radio 1190’s finances and strategy. Work with CU student government, CMCI, and others in order to keep the station running smoothly and build for our continued success. AIR Board meets twice a semester, with meetings open to the university community and dates published in advance here.

Learn more: airboard@1190.radio

Join the volunteer mailing list/Discord

Want to stay in the loop about volunteer happenings at the station? It’s easy:

  • Sign up for our volunteer mailing list for important announcements (average frequency once a week) by emailing volunteer@1190.radio
  • Join the Radio 1190 volunteer Discord server for up-to-the minute info


Have any additional questions, or just want to discuss volunteering in general? Email volunteer@1190.radio to learn more and get on our volunteer mailing list.